Experience the familiar perils of office politics in a world eerily different from our own in “The Situation,” an original comic story created by Jeff VanderMeer and Eric Orchard.
“The Situation” is based on a short story by Jeff VanderMeer which Margo Lanagan called “darkly hilarious“ and Kevin Brockmeier “a work of surreal humor, bemused sadness, and meticulous artifice…as if the workplace novels of Sinclair Lewis and Joshua Ferris had been inverted, shaken, and diced until they came out looking like a Terry Gilliam creation.” The original short story can be read online in its entirety courtesy of WIRED‘s GeekDad and in Jeff’s collection, The Third Bear, available from Tachyon Books. For more of this special brand of weirdness, check out Ann and Jeff VanderMeer’s anthology The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories, available in eBook and UK editions now and US print editions on May 8, 2012.